Powder Analysis

We are thrilled to announce the launch of ParticleTech Powder Optimizer PA 100


Real-time Powder Analysis for Production Optimization

The ParticleTech Powder Optimizer eliminates the guesswork in analyzing powders. It not only measures the particle size and shape distribution of any given powder sample but also allows for measuring the particle composition, classifying particles based on density, quantifying the amount of individual particle types and much more.

This is possible thanks to our advanced 3D scanning technology,  and comprehensive specialized image analysis algorithms library.

The analyzer comes with convenient pre-packaged sample kits, which include everything needed to perform the analysis directly on the production floor. And there is no need for laboratory equipment or tedious cleaning between measurements.

These kits enable everyone to perform analyses directly in the production, making it ideal for rapid process monitoring and optimization

Particle Size Range: 0.5 µm – 3000 µm

Size Resolution: 0.5 µm

Sample Types: Powders

Minimum Sample Quantity: ~10 mg

Sampling Method: At-line

Automation Protocols:  OPC and OPC-UA

Particle size & composition in one device

Advanced classification algorithms make it possible to identify specific types of particles in a sample automatically. This enables a rapid mapping of the sample composition, presented as a fraction of each particle type in a sample.

Small amounts of sample is plenty

The advanced 3D scanning technology makes it possible to perform highly accurate analysis of even small quantities of powder. In most cases, a few grams of powder is plenty to accurately measure the overall powder properties, including particle size and shape distributions, amongst many others.

Optimize with confidence

ParticleTech Powder Optimizer enables everyone to perform fast, high-accuracy powder analyses. A powder sample can be collected, prepared, and analyzed in two minutes without lab equipment. Ideal for fast production monitoring and optimization.


Case study

A cement producing company received complaints from their customers. The quality of their sand grains was inferior compared to the previously received batch. The company suspected that the change in quality might be due to the shape of the grains. A traditional sphericity analysis of both batches was made and showed no difference.

ParticleTech helped the company to analyse the two samples. It was very fast discovered that the grains of the poor-quality sample (sample 1) was round and smooth whereas the previously received sample (sample 2) was crushed and edgy.

Furthermore, ParticleTech compared a sphericity analysis with a roughness analysis of both samples. As presented in the graph the sphericity analysis showed the same result for both samples. However, the roughness analysis showed a clear distinction between the two samples. Sample 1 (red) had a smaller roughness parameter than sample 2 (blue). A smaller roughness parameter indicates smoother edges.

The roughness parameter indicates the difference between the real edge of a particle and the smoothed edge of the particle. The larger the roughness parameter, the more rough is the particle.

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