

Our vision is to provide the process industry with a powerful and innovative imaging analysis tool, to monitor production processes and help to improve process optimization.


The competitive strength of industries relies mainly on the ability to improve the performance of the production systems. Measurement systems are the brain of the modern industry, as they can ensure efficient operation, while meeting the demands of high quality and low cost, but in many cases these measurement systems rely on off-line measurements, which are time-consuming and generate extra costs for the company.

We experience an increasing demand for ways to generate fast and reliable process monitoring data, and we therefore aim at providing strong at-line analytical technologies to the process industries, for fast, time-saving and cost-effective results.

With our highly flexible at-line process monitoring solution, it is possible to acquire detailed quantitative information about a process.

Partners & Collaboration

ParticleTech is a spin-out from the BIOPRO collaboration. Together with our partner BioSense Solutions and collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark, we develop customer fitted solutions based on optical scanning technologies, for optimizing process control.



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