ParticleTech Solution > Technology Behind ParticleTech Solutions
Technology Behind ParticleTech Solutions
ParticleTech offer end-to-end solutions where operators can analyze a sample with just one mouse click. In all of these solutions, the analysis procedure involves the following: 1) scanning of the sample, 2) detecting individual particles, 3) measuring their properties, such as size, shape, and morphology, and finally, 4) classifying particles.
Scanning Technology
ParticleTech Solutions utilizes a unique 3D scanning technology, to analyze dry and wet particle samples. This technology enables a fast, high-quality particle analysis with low sampling uncertainty.
As opposed to traditional top-down microscopy, images are captured at an angle. This provides a depth of field that comes with two notable benefits. First, it makes it possible to generate a three-dimensional scan by capturing a series of these images and stacking them together. All particles within this scanned volume can subsequently be detected and analyzed with high measurement accuracy.
Secondly, being a scanning technique, it is possible to adjust the scanning area based on each sample. This makes it possible to analyze everything from small particles of 0.5 µm to several millimeters while ensuring the same low sampling uncertainty.
Particle Detection and Counting
Thanks to our scanning technology, it is possible to detect particles in any sample with high precision. Based on the 3D scan of the sample, the ParticleTech Analyzer software automatically detects where each particle is in the scanned volume and ensures that the subsequent particle analysis is performed on images where the particle is in focus. This ensures that the measurement will be unbiased and not favor specific particle sizes and shapes.
Furthermore, it can measure the particle concentrations of liquid samples. This can be done since the scanning method will detect and analyze all particles within a defined scanning volume independent of the particle location.
Extraction of Particle Properties
After detecting all particles in the three-dimensional scan, each particle is analyzed to measure and extract a wide range of critical particle properties.
Due to the richness of the three-dimensional scan, it is possible to measure particle size, shape, and morphology and see the internal particle structure. This data is recorded for each particle, allowing for analyses of the total particle population and the individual particles.
The analysis is performed in real-time, providing direct measurements of particle properties that can be used as an active decision-making tool for formulating new production recipes, optimizing active unit operations in productions, or for process control.
Advanced particle classifications
Many of our application-specific algorithms come with advanced particle classification algorithms, allowing for even more granular particle analyses. This means that the detected particles are classified based on their properties, which makes it possible to obtain individual particle size distributions for each particle type and also the ability to exclude certain types of particles from the analysis.
As examples, these particle classifications can distinguish between single particles and agglomerates, between biomass and other particles in fermentation broths, and between different compounds in complex mixtures.